Business Analysis
We follow a detailed workflow for each website we design. Beginning with a business analysis of your company or organization. What do you want to convey to your visitors? What is the purpose of your website?
This is also where we collect your information. These would be links, descriptions, images, logos, and contact information. During this phase, we put together a list of requirements we need from you. If you don’t have this content we can attempt to create this for you. However, it’s always best for customers to hear your voice on your website. We also set up deadlines on items we need from you. It’s important to get the information needed as to not delay your website. If you’re reading this and considering building a website with us. Start creating your content now. You can write it in an email, word document, or Google Doc. Check out our website development services to get an idea of potential costs.
Prototype and Design
Next, we go over the layout with you. What design do you like? Often we can get off-the-shelf themes for basic layout. Or we can start from scratch. Many themes offer beginning designs that we tweak to meet your needs. Some are paid for themes or free. We will determine if the theme you like meets the requirements to become a fast mobile-friendly design.
We want to make sure you have a design that you like but at the same time delivering content properly. It’s important to deliver important information above the fold. It’s also important that your site be current and regularly updated. Poorly updated themes fall prey to viruses and hacking.
Website Build and Design
All requirements are met. All information collected. Now begins the creation process. Often we will email you when sections are completed to get your feedback. We want you to see this process in real-time. This way as we create, if something needs to be changed or updated we can get to it before moving onto another section.
How long does this process take?
We average about 2-4 weeks per website. Why so long? Simple, as we create we look at each item on our checklist. For example, images. It seems like a simple part right? However, images need to be sized correctly to match your theme layout. Additionally, alt tags need to be created for each image.
What are alt tags? Alt tags for images help the blind read your website. It also helps Google to understand what is in your images. Images are a large part of SEO. Have you ever used Google images to look for something? Ultimately someone searching for your product or service on Google Images will find you.
The final step. Building a website is easy. Making it fast is harder. Often web developers skip this step. This leads to a pretty site that is slow. Read more about how important it is to have a fast website here.
How do we do this? We use many tools to review your website from Gtmetrix to Google Page Speed Insights. These tools break down how your website is being loaded. We then work on each item until the website meets the performance Google wants to see from us.
This may include removing unused CSS. To disabling plugins or JavaScript from loading on pages where they are not needed.
This step is one that makes CaptainWoo unique. Many companies provide this service as a single service. We believe If we are building you a website we should do it right the first time.
Test and go live
Now that the website is beautiful and ready to deliver content to your visitors. We need to make sure it works. We begin testing on multiple browsers and phones. You don’t want your website working for all PC users but not for Apple users. Same for Samsung vs. Apple phones. Once we have confirmed it’s working we ask you to sign off on the complete project.
We collect your payment when the project is complete. That’s right no money upfront. We want you to be completely satisfied.